A fitting tribute to Stephen Westman
Swindon Dolphin swimmers, officials and parents joined with family, friends and work colleagues to remember Stephen Westman last week at a memorial service at St Peters RC Church in West Swindon. During the service Stephen’s sons – Cathal and Niall – shared some of his treasured possessions. Among the items was Stephen’s Swindon Dolphin shirt. Stephen played a big part in club life as both a parent and volunteer.
To many swimmers and club officials Stephen was a regular Team Manager at open meets and team galas and an occasional time keeper. To many parents, Stephen was a regular at poolside during training sessions, usually talking sport, and always making sure that everyone knew when Ireland, London Irish, or Spurs had won. Especially Ireland. And especially when Ireland beat England.
Many will have been unaware of Stephen’s greatest contribution to Swindon Dolphin though. For nearly two years (2006-2008) Stephen was responsible for the news pages on the web site and for liaison with the local press. Stephen set about covering every aspect of club life, approaching a report on a small pool badge night with the same energy and enthusiasm as the National Championships.
Stephen will be greatly missed by all at Swindon Dolphin.
A donation will be given to the Prospect Foundation and MacMillan Nurses in memory of Stephen. If you would like to contribute, please contact Sharon Woolford (Club Secretary) poolside or by email on clubsecretary@swindondolphin.co.uk.
Source: Swindon Dolphin Webmaster team