Reward for Marvellous Fundraising Efforts
A sad week in June for Swindon Dolphin ASC, which saw their 18 year old swimmer Luke Herbert lose his long battle against cancer, ended with the culmination of the fundraising efforts inspired by Luke’s illness and a celebration of his memory.

Liam & Luke
Swindon Dolphin’s and Tigersharks presented Otto Putland a cheque for over £6,000 at the South West Regional Championships, in response to Otto’s Challenge, an initiative to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Otto’s challenge to swimming clubs throughout the country was taken up by Luke’s brother Liam who was due to compete at the event and to present the cheque, but was unable to attend. The fund raising efforts began at the Wiltshire County BAGCAT Championship in March, following which both Swindon Dolphin and Tigersharks organised sponsored swims and raised money through raffles and cake sales. Over 100 swimmers and officials, including a team of 15 parents, participated in the Dolphin
swim alone.
Otto has recently posted a notice on his website announcing that both Swindon clubs have been “awarded prizes for their outstanding fundraising work” and that he will be in “personal contact” with the clubs soon to “arrange the presentations”.
Congratulations to all concerned.

Source: Swindon Dolphin Press Team