Things going swimmingly for Dolphin Juniors

Date: 3 Feb 2007
Location: Link Centre, Swindon
Over 75 up and coming swimmers attended the annual novice gala, on Saturday night 3rd February 2007, at the link sports centre, for Swindon dolphin organised event.
Packed into the balcony like sardines, the parents and family friends were given a spectacular show, of great skills and some wonderful fast swimming.
Aged between 5 and 12, the youngsters set about demolishing records, with seven new best performances being produced, and 214 new ASA speed and skill awards being achieved.
Swimming development officer, Steve Cryer, was delighted with the whole event “We have gone back to basics, and introduced a greater emphasis on teaching the skills we use in swimming. Fun has been key to lifting the standards of all our swimmers. The meet is the first real sign that we are going in the right direction. I am really excited with all the team, from coaches to officials, but more importantly, with the impact we having on our swimmers, who are starting to not only look good in the water, but impress me with their efforts and attitude. ”
7 club Junior Best Times were broken as follows :
Victoria Tainty smashed Georgina Pitts 25m Frs time by over 1 second with a time of 19.20
Lauren Jolliffe broke Lauren Matthews 25m Frs time by over 1/2 second with a time of 19.26
Lucy Wright smashed Tessa Hills 25m Frs time by over 2 seconds with a time of 17.44
Samuel Woolford broke Philip Purry’s 25m Fly time by almost 1 second with a time of 18.80
Patrick Seed broke John Waite’s 25m Backstroke 25m time by almost 1/10 second with a time of 20.35
Noah Kirby broke Ben Clark’s 25m Brs time by almost 1/2 second with a time of 23.15
Patrick Seed broke Shaun James 25m Brs time by 1/100 second with a time of 23.28